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Ashley Andrews
B.S. -Business Administration
Licensed Massage Therapist 
Reiki Master


I'm a very dedicated and passionate holistic, intuitive bodyworker with 12+ years of experience in the field. I have always had a deep connection to the healing arts and a strong belief in the power of the mind-body-spirit connection.


My journey in the healing arts began with my formal training in massage therapy, where I learned various techniques to address physical ailments and promote relaxation. However, I soon discovered that my intuition was a powerful tool in providing more comprehensive healing experiences for my clients.


Inspired by my own personal experiences with energy work and the transformative effects it had on my well-being, I delved into studying and incorporating energy healing modalities into my practice. Equipped with a strong understanding of the chakra system, subtle energies, and intuitive guidance, I began to offer holistic, intuitive bodywork sessions.


My sessions are rooted in the belief that true healing comes from addressing the root causes of imbalances, whether they are physical, emotional, or energetic. I combine my extensive knowledge of bodywork techniques with my intuitive insights to provide a personalized approach to healing for each client.


My clients have described sessions as deeply transformative, as I create a safe and nurturing space for them to relax, release tension, and find inner balance. I believe in empowering my clients to take an active role in their own healing journey, often providing guidance and tools for self-care and personal growth.


With a compassionate and intuitive nature, I continue to learn and expand my knowledge in the healing arts. I'm dedicated to helping my clients achieve optimal well-being by facilitating the body's natural ability to heal and restore harmony.


Outside of my practice, I enjoy spending time in nature, practicing meditation, and exploring various holistic modalities to enhance my own well-being. I remain committed to continuing education and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of holistic, intuitive bodywork to provide the highest level of care to my clients.

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